Before you had a baby, you might not have thought much about what makes a good visitor to a new mom. You probably just thought, “Yay! My friend had a baby, I can’t wait to see them!” And that’s totally normal! But once you’ve had a baby yourself, you start to see things a little differently.
Whether you’re a mom or not, here are some easy ways to be an awesome visitor when checking in on a new mom in Edmonton – from your favorite Edmonton newborn photographer and mom of three who didn’t love having visitors until about the 3 week mark.
Not all moms want visitors right away, and that’s perfectly okay. Some might need a few days (or even weeks!) to adjust to life with their new little one. Be sure to check in with her first—sending a quick text is always best. If you don’t get a reply, don’t take it personally. It could just mean she’s juggling a lot, and it’s probably not the right time for a visit. Give her a bit of space and try again later.
Let’s be real: food is always a good idea. Bring something the new mom actually wants to eat. If you’re not sure what she’s craving, ask her when you text to check if it’s a good time to visit. If she turns you down, don’t be afraid to insist on bringing something—even just a coffee or a little treat. But if she really says no, then just respect it and bring something small anyway. A little gesture goes a long way!
Some moms are totally fine with sharing their baby, but others might prefer to keep their little one close for a bit. If you’re hoping to hold the baby, be sure to ask politely, and don’t push it if the answer is no. It’s all about respecting the mom’s wishes and timing.
If the new mom’s cool with you holding the baby, offer to do it while she takes a much-needed shower, uses the bathroom, or just has a break. If she’d rather not hand over the baby, there are plenty of other ways to help. You could wash a few dishes, fold laundry, take out the trash—basically, anything that takes a little pressure off her plate.
New moms have a lot going on, and entertaining visitors can be exhausting. It’s super thoughtful to leave before your visit becomes overwhelming. If there are other visitors around, try not to stay too long—she’s got a lot on her mind, and she might need a bit of quiet time to recharge.
Unless you’re also bringing a newborn, it’s best to leave your kids at home. While we all love seeing kids, a new mom might not want extra little ones running around, especially since they could bring in germs. Plus, it’s easier for you to focus on your visit without worrying about keeping your kids entertained.
If a new mom casually says, “he must be hungry,” but doesn’t start nursing right away, that’s probably her subtle way of letting you know it’s time to go. She might just need a little space to feed her baby in peace. You can offer to grab her a drink or anything else she needs (like a phone charger!) and quietly head out.
Especially during flu season or if you or your kids have been sick, it’s a nice gesture to wear a mask when visiting. This helps keep the newborn safe and shows respect for the mom’s health. Plus, it’s a thoughtful way to prevent any unwanted germs from spreading.
Always wash your hands when you visit, and NEVER stop by if you or your kids are feeling sick. These are just common sense but so important to keep everyone safe and comfortable.
Being a new mom is tough enough without having to play host. By following these simple tips, you’ll make your visit easier on the new mom, and she’ll appreciate it more than you know!