Edmonton Milestone Photographer {Mathias is One} Sneak Peek

Is it spring yet? I had to buy myself some tulips today to remind myself that winter is almost over. Earlier this week this winter got really long when I took a bad fall on the icy sidewalks and hit my head hard enough to knock myself out. Found out I have a pretty bad concussion, so I will be taking it easy over the next couple weeks. Something I am really looking forward to is to finally officially open my home studio in beautiful Devon. The painting was finished last week and new wooden backdrops will be going up soon! I am hoping to host an grand opening party sometime in March or early April, watch for more details in my VIP group on Facebook.

This adorable cheeky little guy has been stealing my heart since his newborn photos last winter. I was so happy to have him be one of the first to test out my new studio space and even have a bath in my kitchen sink, something I miss now that my babies are almost all grown up. Mathias wasn’t a big fan of the mess of his cake smash, but was all smiles for bath time. Another baby will be joining the family later this year, such exciting news for such a beautiful family. S & F, thank you so much for sharing Mathias’s first year with me. Happy 1st Birthday sweetie pie. Enjoy. {K}

Milestone, Newborn




Edmonton Milestone Photographer {Mathias is One} Sneak Peek

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